About Us
Sierra Accounting & Consulting PL was established in 2007 by Dr. Ray Hamey. Today clients are ranging from wage and salary earners, right through to the corporate and elite clients, plus everyone else in between. Sierra Accounting & Consulting Pty Ltd is headed by Dr. Ray Hamey CPA. Sierra offers Accounting, Taxation, Management, Consulting and down-to-earth Advice. You can rely on the advice and service that you receive as all the staff are qualified accountants and have many of years’ experience under their belts.

This is a small firm with a dedicated team taking great pride in looking after our clients. Believing in the core values of attention to detail, articulate, customer service, and satisfaction, Sierra Accounting & Consulting Pty Ltd offers a complete taxation and accounting service to anyone, no matter what your geographical location is.

We are here to help you no matter what industry or field you are in. We service the below industries and much. Come in and put us to the test.